Happy Halloween! Today is the special day to celebrate with friends and family in all things scary and spooky. I myself will be celebrating with some friends and later coworkers. Usually my Halloween routine is dress up enough and get half price Chipotle with a sibling. This year is different.

I actually have a costume, most regrets are that it was purchased and not made myself but time was not on my side this year when I didn’t even think I was going to have plans at all. So store bought it is and gruesome make up to come as well since why just wear a costume when you can make that your own and personalize it.

So tonight is my night off from my art. Finally prepped two paintings and they are now ready for paint. While those may get started tomorrow drawing up the drafts for the other items I have planned will commence parallel to that making the next month a busy one.

New business cards were purchased and should be arriving late next week. I’ve also been working on a series of post cards too.

All in all I have quite a full schedule ahead of me but tonight is my night off and I intend to enjoy it even if the weather decided it wanted to rain all day. Poor trick or treaters.